Food, Lifestyle, Reviews, Travel

Chocolate Heaven at The W Shanghai


The W Shanghai takes Forest Gump’s famous quote, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” to a whole new level with their “6 Hands Chocolate Experience with Michelin Chef Laurent Moreno“.

The W Shanghai’s Culinary Director Matthew Woolford and Executive Pastry Chef Sam Zhu partnered with Michelin Chef Laurent Moreno for a 2-night only 6 course dinner using Cabosse chocolate which was held at The Kitchen Table last June 15 & 16, 2018.

I was lucky enough to try the experience and boy was I in chocolate paradise.

It was my first time to visit the W Shanghai and my jaws dropped as I was greeted by the incredibly IG-worthy neon lights installation (which I soon learned was inspired by Shnaghai’s neon lights) at the entrance. Being the insta-hoe that I am, I obviously stopped dead on my tracks for a quick snap and hurriedly proceeded to The Kitchen Table!


The welcome drink with generous slab of chocolate set the tone perfectly for the chocolatey night that I was about to have.


I’m going to stop babbling and let my photos do the talking:

And so it begins by Chef Laurent

A sweet prelude into the meal. The sweet and salty components from the chocolate and caviar, works well with the butter and crunch from the thin shortbread.


 Oscietra Caviar – Hazelnut – Butter – Dark Chocolate 72%

Gone Fishing by Chef Matthew

Great things come to those who work hard! This dish came in a large fish bowl with dry ice and metal thongs (to fish out the salmon).


 Ora Salmon – Black Truffle – Horseradish – White Chocolate 40%

Intermission by Chef Sam

I love how the honeydew breaks through the decadence of the milk chocolate.


 Honey Dew Melon – Mint – Almond – Milk Chocolate 38%

Put a Fork in It! by Chef Matthew

My favorite course in the entire meal! I can still remember the moment I inserted a morsel of the perfectly cooked Robbins Island Wagyu into my mouth. Absolutely wonderful. The chocolate tortellini was a lovely addition to the course as well.


 Robbins Island Wagyu – Bourbon – Carrot  – Dark Chocolate 66%

Steaming Cold by Chef Sam

This dish was inspired by Shanghai’s famous Xiao Long Baos. It was an interesting mix of Jasmine tea, citrus flavors and dark chocolate. I would have preferred the skin to be a tad bit more thin and delicate though.


 Jasmine Tea – Passion Fruit – Orange – Dark Chocolate 55%

The Last Hoorah by Chef Laurent

How does one end a 6-course chocolate meal with a bang? Only Chef Laurent knows how to and he absolutely killed it with “The Last (three) Horrah”. Besides it being a visual masterpiece, the last course was truly one to remember. It was served in a way that each diner would have to suck the chocolate particle with a straw and then eat each chocolate bomb (?) in one bite. You start with the white chocolate and basil, and proceed with the milk chocolate and goji berry and end with dark chocolate and sichuan pepper. I loved the first two, and found the third a tad bit more savory than I’d like.


 Basil – Goji – Sichuan Pepper (The Total Cabosse Experience)

 Final Thoughts

The W Shanghai’s 6-hands chocolate experience left me with an insane chocolate high that I never wanted to go away. The whole experience is truly like Forest Gump’s analogy of a box of chocolates: you never know what you’re going to get… and MORE. Each dish was a lovely surprise as each chef did the unimaginable with chocolate.


The entire set costs CNY 688 per set.

It was a 2-night only dinner but they’re rolling out their Afternoon Tea Refresh which is another partnership with Cabosse chocolate so make sure to head to the W Shanghai at The Bund to check it out!


 The W Shanghai

No.66 Lvshun Road, Shanghai, Shanghai, 200080, China



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